Author: Danny
Hold Beliefs Loosely
Glacier National Park in Montana. Belief is Not Knowledge Although I have chosen to follow the Christian religion, and I…
Feel Good Now
We want to change life and are working hard to make it happen. But sometimes, it doesn’t seem to happen…
Stress or Adventure? You Decide
Does This Sound Like a Typical Day? You get up just early enough to use the toilet, shower, shave, get…
How to Meditate Effectively
Meditation improves peace, wisdom, stress relief, spiritual growth, purpose, health, pain relief, intelligence and metabolism. Here is a guide to…
Web Authors Who Inspire Me III
I am moving my weekly links post forward one day to Saturdays because it just seems to make more sense…
10 Ways to Be Creative Anytime, Anywhere
Inspiration to be creative comes from within, even when it seems triggered from the outside. Here are 10 ideas on…
Forgive Yourself and Find True Inspiration: Forgiveness, Part 4
This is part 4 of a 4 part series on forgiveness. Part 4 in this series discusses forgiving yourself and…