Author: Danny
Instant Gratification that is Permanent and Free
Gratitude – Cliché or Real Power In the past, whenever the subject of gratitude would come up as a topic…
Be Observant, Peaceful and Healthy – Slow Down
Have you ever taken a walk or a bike ride down a street that you usually drive? You probably noticed…
Tips to Alleviate Boredom
Boredom is often a warning sign of one or more of several different problems including the following: We are not…
Caring, Compassion, Charity
We can not contribute to any cause without contributing to ourselves, because we are apart of all that surrounds us.…
We Are the Earth
Happy Blog Action Day! Along with over 15,000 other bloggers, I am writing today about the environment. Rather than looking…
Getting in the Gap
Meditation doesn’t feel like anything else in this life. It’s communication without words or thoughts, relaxation without reflection, bliss without…
Web Authors Who Inspire Me VIII
It seems that the subject of mood has been coming up a lot lately. It’s easy to get stuck in…