Web Authors Who Inspire Me VI
My weekly links post is a day early this week since there will be no weekend posts this weekend. I am taking the weekend off to recharge and to focus on the quality of future posts. It was difficult to choose my favorite inspiring posts this week. There were quite a few. Steve Pavlina has […]
Planning for Motivation
For a motivated, inspired and accomplished life, the idea of planning can be a difficult balancing act. We don’t want to limit our potential or our connection to our spirit by planning too rigidly, and we don’t want to jump into tasks without a sense of purpose or direction. Having a plan helps build patience, […]
Self Confidence for Motivation
Creativity, free-will, uniqueness, adaptability and resilience are some traits unique to the human animal that give power to accomplish unprecedented achievements. Our most significant limitation is our own impression of ourselves. Why Waste the Effort? All of the enthusiasm and planning in the world will not help motivate you to achieve your goals if you […]
Motivation to Complete Your Goals: A Series
Some of us find motivation when we are excited about a new plan or idea. As we work to implement the plan and face challenges along the way, motivation becomes more difficult. At this point, we start considering changes in direction, giving up or just putting the plan aside for a while. As our initial […]
Appreciating Seasonal Changes
I’ve never been much for small talk, but I’m going to talk about the weather once again. In yesterday’s post, 7 Ways to Avoid Winter Blues (yes, I know it’s September, but if you read yesterday’s post, you’ll understand), one of the 7 ways is to appreciate the seasonal changes. This post is an expression […]
7 Ways to Avoid Winter Blues
It’s 75ºF, the sun warms my face as I write this and the sky is clear and as blue as Lake Superior in the early spring. So, why would I bring up winter blues at a time like this? Well, here in the Upper Midwest, the days are already several hours shorter, the nights much […]
Web Authors Who Inspire Me V
Fear has been a major theme in many of the conversations that I have had this week as well as the posts that I have found inspiring. Here are some posts from the past week that I have found inspiring: John Wesley at Pick the Brain posted Inspiration: Terminally Ill Professor Faces Death Without Fear, […]