Web Authors Who Inspire Me X

Today’s quote comes from Jean Browman of cheerfulmonk.com in her guest post for the Desiderata Project at every, every minute: If You’re Working Too Hard, You’re Doing It Wrong!. Her article is a superbly written, gentle, but powerful reminder that personal growth and development should be an enjoyable, enlightening process, not a frustrating burden.

I have added a new blog this week to my regular readings, Think Simple Be Decisive. Tina writes about creativity, productivity, clarity and inspiration. She is great at helping her readers recognize their strengths in a style that flows, is fun to read, easy to follow and inspiring. Here are a couple recent posts that inspired me:

Tejvan Pettinger at Sri Chinmoy Inspiration wrote another great post, The Source of Happiness, where he clearly outlines the basic truths about happiness and the simple ways it can be achieved.

Enjoy and be inspired.

One response to “Web Authors Who Inspire Me X”

  1. Tina Su - Think Simple. Be Decisive. Avatar

    Hi Danny,

    Thanks so much for mentioning me and for your readership. I appreciate it very much. It’s very encouraging for me as well. I’ll also be back here to check your articles.. I love the theme: “Be Inspired Everyday!” Hmmmmm….

    Thanks again for your support. I appreciate you.

    Love & Gratitude,